VFC partnered with The Lewis Group on a buttoned-up brand image and execution of a strategic rebranding campaign to organize three powerful, but specialized, offerings all supported by a compelling and organized multi-divisional professional services branding system whose detailed style guide drives consistency.
VFC reset The Lewis Group, Lewis Environmental, Lewis Property Services and Lewis Development divisions with dynamic brand management from web and sales collateral to fleet and apparel—then set about building brand awareness and engagement, with the fulfillment of an ambitious public relations and social media effort.

The effective system of brands serves The Lewis Group of companies as they refresh messaging and enter new markets.
Lewis Environmental, Lewis Property Services and Lewis Development as well as The Lewis Group parent brand—now represent a powerful collective of affiliate service companies, all committed to offering superior solutions to commercial concerns, including sophisticated environmental solutions, property management services and development opportunities and their branding backs it up!
”The redesigned Lewis Group logos showcase a fresh look for the company and communicate a modern, organized and capable group of companies…We knew we needed branding that matched our offering and now we have it.
Richard D. LewisPresident & CEO

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