New Energy Optimization
Phoenixville, PA
The new technology is faster, safer, more efficient and more environmentally friendly than the current process of anaerobic digestion and also has the potential to yield beneficial byproducts including biocoal, construction sand, synthetic gas and improved fertilizers containing far fewer microplastics and pharmaceuticals. Hydrothermal carbonization, or HTC, has the power to offset the carbon use of every driver residing in Phoenixville.
While the benefits of HTC are plain, hydrothermal carbonization is a mouthful. The average citizen might be able to break the words down to ascertain something about the process, but the Borough felt that the combination of being first with such a revolutionary technology deserved special distinction. To that end, the Borough elected to brand the project—the plant, plus the technology—with one simple, memorable name and image.

VFC started by understanding the process and undertaking our customized naming exercise that includes intense stakeholder surveying and deep research to develop naming criteria.
From that criteria, VFC presented a full naming report that offered Phoenixville multiple concepts with full rationale, accounting for competitive entities and target audience perception. Collaboratively, VFC and the Borough team landed on the acronym PXVNEO (Phoenixville New Energy Optimization).
Like a lot of the public utilities and privately held businesses in the Borough, PXVNEO features a Phoenix in its logo. But this is a modern interpretation, a modular representation of the mythical bird that has the power to be reborn. The PXVNEO brand features shades of blue symbolizing clean water and a nod to the Borough’s adopted streetscape color.
”VFC has been comprehensive in their approach, understanding the complexities of the process and the project and executing branding that resonates with people and promotions that achieved national attention.
Jonathan EwaldPresident, Phoenixville Borough Council
The project is newsworthy, not just because it’s first, but because it will significantly transform Phoenixville’s largest energy user into a positive resource.

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