GRAMMAR TIME: Lose vs. Loose

Stop! Grammar Time.

One advertising agency’s heroic attempt to rid the Internet of an overwhelming number of errors that are as likely signifying the end of days as anything else— like say, the Bacon Sundae. All too common English language faux pas are long nails slowly moving down the slate blackboard of the World Wide Web. They have become more unnerving as they become more ubiquitous, and dare we say it—more acceptable—contributing to the overall dearth of intelligence on the Internet and the general, but rapidly progressing, decline of human civilization.

Please repost and link to the definitions below every time that you see an OFFENDER so that, together, we can save the Internet to be enjoyed by our children and grandchildren, who will learn and know the difference between Lose and Loose.

Postscript: We do not think we’re smarter than everyone or that anything in the above introduction is true at all (except the part about the bacon sundae) however, we do usually attempt to develop meaningful, error-free posts in the many places that the Internet allows posting– even if it means taking the time to edit– and we think that you should too!